Job Seeker: Interviews
Within Unify employers have the option to schedule and perform interviews. This guide walks you through how to review, schedule, and have interviews within Unify.
You can use Unify's interview feature on the website or via the smartphone app. Below are instructions for the website and mobile.
- After applying to a job and the application has been reviewed by the employer, you may be invited to interview for the position.
- To review your job interviews, click on the “Jobs” in the left side navigation bar. Then find and click the “Interviews” tab out of the options listed at the top of the Jobs page.
- This Interviews page lists your job interview details. Under the “Status” column, each job interview can be either Pending, Scheduled, or Completed.
Pending: The interview needs to be scheduled.
To schedule the interview, click on the job title. On the left side of the job detail page, the available interview times will be listed. Select the one that works best for you and click on “Schedule”.
Scheduled: The interview is scheduled.
Click on the job title to view details of the job interview.
Completed: The interview has been completed. The next step is for the employer to make a hiring decision.
- After applying to a job and the application has been reviewed by the employer, you may be invited to interview for the position.
- To review your job interviews, open the “Jobs” page from the bottom navigation bar.
- Tap the “My Interviews” option on the Jobs page.
- The Interviews page sorts your interviews as “Upcoming” or “Scheduled”.
Upcoming: These interviews need to be scheduled.
To schedule the interview, click on the job title to open up the interview request from the employer. The available interview times and any details will be listed. Select the one that works best for you and click on “Schedule”.
Scheduled: The interview is successfully scheduled.
Click on the job title to view details of the job interview.
Completed: The interview has been completed. The next step is for the employer to make a hiring decision.