Job Seeker: Find and Apply to a Job
Finding a job with Unify is designed with you in mind. Search results are customized to your profile. For each job you’ll receive a separate match and fit score. The match score is how qualified you are for the job. The fit score is how much you might like the job. The higher the match and fit score the better. Employers will invite you to apply to jobs based on the match and fit scores, but you can explore your match and fit scores for all jobs within the 'My LevelUp Jobs' section.
You can search for and apply to invited jobs on the website or via the smartphone app. Below are instructions for the website and mobile.
- If you haven’t logged in, go to unify.: Click on the “Seeker Login” button and login with your email and password.
- Once logged in, click on “Jobs” on the left side of the window.
- Across the top of the Jobs page are 7 tabs.
My Invited Jobs: This shows jobs that you've been invited to apply to
My LevelUp Jobs: This shows all of the jobs that you've not been invited to apply to yet. However, you can explore them in detail to find new opportunities for your career.
My Applied Jobs: This shows jobs that you’ve applied to
My Interviews: This shows the list of your job interviews (future and past)
My Saved Jobs: This shows jobs that you have saved
My Offers: This shows jobs that employers have offered you
My Closed Jobs: This shows jobs that are no longer available - Click on “My Invited Jobs” to see your jobs that you've been invited to apply to. On this screen you can explore your invited jobs. You can view how you match and fit to the other jobs by clicking on the "My LevelUp Jobs" tab.
- Click on a job to see details about that job. The job details page will display the title, description, requirements, location, and many other elements.
- If you do not like the job, you can click the back button on the browser or click on the “My Invited Jobs” text in the upper left corner of the page to return to all of the matching jobs. If you want to save the job for later, you can click on the Star in the upper left corner. This will add the job to the “Saved Jobs” tab that is part of the Jobs page.
- If you want to apply for this job, click “Apply to This Job”. A new page will open for you to customize elements of your application.
Profile Complete: The bar in the upper right corner indicates how complete your profile is. If it is not 100% complete, we encourage you to complete more of your profile. However, you do not need to complete your profile to apply. The more you complete of your profile, the better your application.
Additional Questionnaire: This is a space where Employers can ask you specific questions about the job. This is optional for Employers when they are posting a job. So, this section may not appear.
Cover Letter (Optional): This is where you can write a cover letter for the job. It is optional.
Additional (Materials): This is where you can upload additional documents to supplement your application. This is optional. Note that you can only upload Microsoft Word and PDF files. - When you are ready to apply to a job, click “Proceed to Apply”. Once you’ve applied to a job, a message will pop up to notify you of the status of your application. At this point, several things could happen:
Redirected to External Employer Site: The employer has chosen to have you complete the application process on their career site. You will be redirected to the employer's site to finish your application.
Redirected to "My Invited Jobs": The employer has accepted your application and will be managing the hiring process within Unify Jobs.
Redirected to another opportunity: Unfortunately, the employer has indicated that you haven't met some of their criteria. However, at Unify Jobs this is not the end. You'll be redirected to other career opportunities that might be better for you. - To review the jobs that you’ve applied to, click on the “Applied Jobs” tab at the top of the screen. For each listed job, you can click on it to see more details.
- To see the status of your job application, click on the right three dots and click on “View Activity”. A side bar will appear that shows the status of your application. There are 11 stages that your application could be in.
Invited: The employer has invited you to apply for a job
Applied: You have successfully applied for a job
Reviewed by Employer: The employer has reviewed your application
Invited to Interview: The employer has invited you to interview
Scheduled: An interview has been scheduled
Interviewed: An interview have been completed
Offer Extended: The employer has extended you an offer
Offer Viewed: You have reviewed the offer
Offer Accepted: You have accepted the offer
Offer Reject: You have rejected the offer
Employer Disengaged: The employer has declined moving forward with your application
- Open the app on your device.
- Login with your email and password.
- Once logged in, tap the “Jobs” option on the bottom navigation bar.
- In the Jobs screen, there are 8 options:
My Invited Jobs: This shows jobs that you've been invited to apply to
My LevelUp Jobs: This shows all of the jobs that you've not been invited to apply to yet. However, you can explore them in detail to find new opportunities for your career.
My Applied Jobs: This shows jobs that you’ve applied to
My Interviews: This shows the list of your job interviews (future and past)
My Saved Jobs: This shows jobs that you have saved
My Offers: This shows jobs that employers have offered you
My Closed Jobs: This shows jobs that are no longer available - Tap on “My Invited Jobs” to see your jobs that you've been invited to apply to. On this screen you can explore your invited jobs. You can view how you match and fit to the other jobs by tapping on the "My LevelUp Jobs" tab.
- Tap on a job to see details about that job. The job details page will display the title, description, requirements, location, and many other elements.
- If you do not like the job, you can click the back arrow at the top of the screen or tap on the “Jobs” option on the bottom navigation bar to return to the main jobs menu. If you want to save the job for later, you can click on the Star in the upper right corner. This will add the job to the “Saved Jobs” tab that is part of the Jobs page.
- If you want to apply for this job, tap “Apply Now”. A new page will open for you to customize elements of your application.
Additional Questionnaire: This is a space where Employers can ask you specific questions about the job. This is optional for Employers when they are posting a job. So, this section may not appear.
Cover Letter (Optional): This is where you can write a cover letter for the job. It is optional.
Additional (Materials): This is where you can upload additional documents to supplement your application. This is optional. Note that you can only upload Microsoft Word and PDF files. - When you are ready to apply to a job, tap “Proceed to Apply”. Once you’ve applied to a job, a message will pop up to notify you of the status of your application. At this point, several things could happen:
Redirected to External Employer Site: The employer has chosen to have you complete the application process on their career site. You will be redirected to the employer's site to finish your application.
Redirected to "My Invited Jobs": The employer has accepted your application and will be managing the hiring process within Unify Jobs.
Redirected to another opportunity: Unfortunately, the employer has indicated that you haven't met some of their criteria. However, at Unify Jobs this is not the end. You'll be redirected to other career opportunities that might be better for you. - To review the jobs that you’ve applied to, tap the “Jobs” option on the bottom navigation bar. From there, tap on “My Applied Jobs”.
- The job activity will appear in the bottom right corner of each job you have applied for. There are 11 stages that your application could be in.
Invited: The employer has invited you to apply for a job
Applied: You have successfully applied for a job
Reviewed by Employer: The employer has reviewed your application
Invited to Interview: The employer has invited you to interview
Scheduled: An interview has been scheduled
Interviewed: An interview have been completed
Offer Extended: The employer has extended you an offer
Offer Viewed: You have reviewed the offer
Offer Accepted: You have accepted the offer
Offer Reject: You have rejected the offer
Employer Disengaged: The employer has declined moving forward with your application